Posts Tagged ‘Collage’


Fun New Contest!  IF I WERE A BIRD…. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO ENTER IS FINISH THAT SENTENCE!  Come have some great fun, meet some great Artists and more!

Always something going on at Diviacity! Link:  IF I WERE A BIRD!

karasuBe sure to enter our website or blog address so people can find you too!

Article Posted in Divapreneur Magazine!

Woo Hoo! My first article Posted In Divapreneur Magazine!

Stop by and Check it out! 🙂

Contest #2

I had so much fun in the first contest I’m ready for the next one already. Ok lets mix it up! Here is the setup for “Contest #2.

Comment on the Post: Things I learned Along the Way to Divaism! (or Manism 🙂 with the most interesting thing you’ve learned along the way “That you can share!.” And then Follow this blog so I can keep you updated on the contest.
There will be a total of 3 Winners!

I’m having so much fun this may become a regular thing. Now one other thing. Gift

s are available for Women and Men! The Contest will end on Friday 7/24!
All Winners will be notified within 48 hours of Contest End.

Here is a pic of what the Winners from the first contestwon. A handmade 100 Page Journal. Unique Handmade Textured Journals that are fun and not only hold your thoughts but make it a great experience to Journal!

This is only one of the gifts from the next Contest!

Sterling Silver, Agate and Jasper!

Fabulicious Sun Catchers

Learn how to make Fabulous and Fun Sun Catchers in minutes using Acrylic and Tim Holtz Alcohol inks.  The beauties are fun and look fabulous outside soaking up sun or handing in your favorite indoor spot.

I’ve also started a new Blog.

Please stop by and check out my 2part video: Fabulous Sun Catchers

See Part Two and other videos at Please comment and rate.

Thank you so much. Live in Color

Collaging my Illusions

I couldn’t think of a better title than that. Because when I think about it….it’s my illusions that hit the canvas, the art table, my outside expressions of art.  I realize that it is truly about color with me. I drink in the colors and do many things I do because of them. For example the green of the grass and the trees motivates me to go outside and move around (even though sometimes I know I should stay more focused!). The color of the skys determine whether I will do the beach today or the craft store. For real! I know that sounds crazy but if I go out and the sky has lots of fluffy clouds but its a brilliant crisp shade of watery blue… Beach here I come.  If  there are darker clouds and they are less cottony in appearance and the sky is pale I may decide to hit the craft store or go hang out at one of my favorite places instead. I know that’s all a matter of life but sometimes we don’t stop to think about the things that really help motivate us. We always talk about the people that motivate us…

But what about the things, won’t somebody please tell me! LOL Just kidding.

Anyway, thats me rambling and this is me Collaging my Illusions!

This is various pieces I’ve created over the past year.

All of them using my favorite products, GlimmerMist, Alcohol Inks and Gesso.

Collaging My Illusions


My Inspiration

We all have something that inspires us to move, to create, to be.  For me, it’s Nature. As dangerous as it can be, it can be twice as beautiful and calming. The ocean has always head a special place in my heart, especially since I grew up in Southern Cali and spent as much of my time as possible at the beach. This piece was created last year during a weekend retreat at Asilomar.

Passion, the Chunky Charm Book

Passion, the Chunky Charm Book

Passion, the Chunky Charm Book

Come join us for a whole lotta fun, and a Workshop too! Learn techniques that will help teach you to make your own Chunky Charm Books anytime for any reason!  This Workshop is Saturday, June 20th, at Tangerine in Dublin, CA.

This is one you won’t want to miss if you like creating fun unique books!  All supplies provided with Class Registration. $35 Special price for this Workshop $25

For more info: or

Chunky Diva

Bind it All in under 5 minutes

My New Favorite Tool! Great way to create your Journals, Art Books, keep track of Documents and more!

The Circus of Possibilities

There I go again. Bringing my inner stuff out LOL… check it out. My latest book project, The Circus of Possibilties.

Come on out and Play!

I bet you need an artisitc colorful break at some point in everyday!!!  I got one for you. Go hang out at my website for a little while. I have so much stuff going on over there I’m loopy LOL. I love sharing artwork.

Exotic Journey


A Book Expressing A Love For Music

A Book Expressing A Love For Music

As I sit listening to some wonderful old school music and crafting and creating I think with a smile how much influence music has had on my life. Having been born in the 60s I’ve certainly lived through many changes in music style and taste. Sadly with a lot of music nowadays not much is left to the imagination but thankfully there is always technology to keep the past in the present with music. I can be accused of hording some old cassettes and even a few records but love the way you can get some much music into so little space now.

Music Pages Two Music PagesMusic Book Three

This little book covers all types of music and is transparent in the center so looks great in front of a light. Its a fun way to put so much feeling about something into a little space.

I realize that at some point in each day I hear music and find that its actually become a necessity for me. I also realize that the dances I did back then are the only dances I can do now LOL.  What a great gift music is!

To find out more about my classes (this one will be upcoming) visit my site at or see more of my other instructionals at

Much Love!

The Ladies Danced – ZNE 2009

The Ladies Danced

Okay, that’s the name of this piece but it could also describe my experience at ZNE 2009!

Victorian Tea Party in a Cigar Box

Victorian Tea Party in a Cigar Box

Well if you’re into Vintage, Victorian, Antique or Mixed Media, this was definitely the place to be. I’ve discovered as an Artist trying to stay out of the corporate maze that Networking is a true necessity and a great experience.  At ZNE we met so many unique Artists and visitors.  We were blessed with having the first table at the door (so they saw my goofy smile on the way in and on the way way out! LOL) .  I’ve always been amazed by people that could turn sticks and stones into Beauty and Art.  And they were there. And even better there were many teaching others how to do the same! Kids passed by with huge proud smiles on their faces after having done a Make and Take. Adults whispered of their excitement after finding a doll or toy or game they hadn’t seen since childhood. Memories rushed in!  We even had the pleasure of hearing Jon Troast sing as he performed Live. All in All, it was a great positive energy and a lot of playful spirit!
I loved it and can’t wait until the next one.

Cool Indoor Fun!


My Thank You! :-)

Come join the fun at ZNE ConvenZIoNE 2009

znelogoWhat fun!  A PARTY WORTH ATTENDING!!! 

ConvenZIoNE 2009

If you love Mixed Media Art come join the fun at the

Pleasanton Fairgrounds on May 2nd and 3rd!

There’ll be so much going on you’re guaranteed a great time.

There will be great Artist, Vendors, hourly art workshops, live music, book signings, and more!  The admission fee is only $3 and you can get a coupon for a dollar off by clicking on the logo!  If you can’t get there paste this link into your address bar
Be sure to stop by our booth (Diviacity/The Altered Divas) and say hi and receive a goodie for mentioning you read about it on our Blog!!!